Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Kisses on the Wind

The wind is an enigma – think about that for a moment. 

The wind has no start or end point.  It can appear ‘out of thin air’ and just as quickly be gone.  We can’t actually see the wind, yet we can easily observe its effects.  The wind can come forth as a fierce and destructive gale or just as easily arrive as a nearly imperceptible slight touch.  For these reasons, I find the wind to be a perfect focal point for meditation and reflection.  It is quite simply one of those things in life that can draw you into hours of amazement and wonder, suspending you from time and attachment.

The wind can be refreshing and relaxing in the midst of a hot summer day as it cools and rejuvenates.  It can be exhilarating and alive like a burst of cold air on a Fall day.  Then again, the wind can bite and sting like the swirling burst of energy on a snowy Winter day.  Have you ever pondered the wind?  Science can explain the mechanics of wind, measure its effects, characterize it, and even determine its speed and direction.  But even in doing so, a precise reading is only good for an instant because the wind is always changing.  The wind is freedom – you cannot capture it or hold it even when harnessing its energy, it’s simply just passing through.  Life is like that as well.  We are all just passing through like the wind.  Whatever captivity we may feel is of our own making – we can be as free as the wind if we choose to be.

It’s impossible to see the wind or to hold it in our hands.  We can only see the effects of the wind whether it’s in the rustling of leaves or clouds drifting by.  We know the wind is there based on its effect on other objects, but we don’t ever see the wind itself.  The wind is an energy that can have a major impact on our world just like the energy we experience in ourselves and others.  I’m sure you know of people whose energy is an obvious presence.  There are some who quite literally can suck the air out of room leaving others grasping for breath and suffocating.  Yet there are people whose presence literally light up those around them and lifts their own energy in such a positive way that everyone feels valued.  Being aware of the energy in your presence is a critical element of mindfulness.  It all starts with intention and a sincere desire to lift others rather than trample on them.  Being the “big personality” in the room drags others down when it’s ego that is driving.  When we choose instead to be authentic and genuine, it’s like stepping out into the vast openness of a majestic mountain inviting others to join you.

Reflecting on something as simple as the wind can be profound.  We exist in a world full of energy and forces that cannot be seen but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist or aren’t present in our lives.  And like the wind whose effects we can see without observing the force itself, our lives can positively impact the world around us in ways others welcome with joy.  Lifting others so they can gently soar on the energy of the wind and float gracefully through life is an obligation and a privilege.  However, when we let our egos get in the way, we can be like a hurricane or tornado leaving a path of destruction and suffering.  But when we live from our mindful, authentic self, we are capable of great benefit to others bringing forward an energy that others sense and can thrive in.  Sometimes, we leave a cool refreshing breeze on a hot day that lifts the spirit of another.  Then there are times we are called on to deliver a burst of cold air to awaken the soul challenging others to raise their awareness.  When we intend to bring forward peace and love, even a challenge can be accepted in the spirit it is delivered.

So next time you have a quiet moment outside, take the time to carefully be aware of the wind and in doing so, ask yourself what kind of affect are you having on others.  Think of the air you breathe and ask yourself if it’s so obvious that something you cannot see or hold can sustain your physical life, then it just may be equally true that the energy you bring forward is also present and experienced by others.

Duane Grove is founder of Connect2Action, a strategy execution specialist at the intersection of employee engagement and executive leadership, igniting innovation as a lever to accelerate your growth.  Follow Duane on Twitter @connect2action and connect with him on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+.  Learn more by visiting www.connect2action.com.

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