Monday, August 6, 2012

Facing into the Wind

Most of us are familiar with the phrase facing into the wind.  It's used often in sailing.  Birds face into the wind to assure a safe landing and an easy takeoff.  Planes do the same thing.  In everyday life it's used to describe determination to embrace life's challenges by taking them straight on.  It seems that facing into the wind can not only describe a person's tenacity to embrace life's challenges, it can also be used to provide added lift when you're trying to get off the ground.

What a beautiful image to reflect on.  Instead of setting your face into a stiff wind and enduring the buffeting effects of its strength, it is the wind's energy that can be harnessed to give us that added lift when we're ready to take off.  I'm reminded of pictures of TV reporters standing in the strong winds of a hurricane with their feet planted firmly on the ground only to be tossed around like a rag doll by the sheer power that is unseen but clearly felt.  We can often feel that way when it seems that life is throwing its full force against us.  Our first tendency is to try and hide but even when we face it, we often dig our heels in just trying to withstand the assault.  With a powerful wind raging around us, we judge success by our ability to hold our ground believing that sooner or later the tempest will subside.  However, we can miss out on a great opportunity to use that energy to lift us from where we are and allow it to carry us above our current position.  From that higher vantage point, we often see things quite differently and the energy itself can be invigorating.  I personally love the feeling of a stiff breeze in my face especially if there's a chill in the air - how refreshing and energizing!

Instead, when life's angry winds begin to blow at us, think about how nature uses the wind to its advantage.  That wind in your face has as much energy to knock you over as it has to add lift under your wings to soar.  The wind is a mysterious thing.  It cannot itself be seen but its effects can, and where it comes from and where it goes is pure magic.  The wind is the magic of our universe sent to lift us, give us that extra boost and to take us to even greater heights.  So when life gifts you with a stiff breeze, face into it, spread your wings, and let it lift you instead of resisting it.  You'll be surprised at how high you can soar.

Duane Grove is founder of Connect2Action, a strategy execution specialist at the intersection of employee engagement and executive leadership, igniting innovation as a lever to accelerate your growth.  Follow Duane on Twitter @connect2action.

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