Monday, September 17, 2012

Embrace the Profound

As the weather cools, I’m reminded of the warmth that a blanket offers and a loving embrace brings.  As humans, we often embrace one another as a sign of love and affection, but how often we take such a gesture for granted.  Whether it’s a spouse, child, parent, or a friend, the human embrace is a deeply profound act. 

In meditation, it’s often typical to experience the loving embrace of the spiritual leaders who have gone before us as well as those we are privileged to know.  The embrace is a way to touch others physically and spiritually.  The warmth and comfort that comes fills us completely when we allow it to.  For me, it’s like that warm cup of tea that emanates from within and spreads throughout my soul.  While other creatures may embrace to signal safety and affection, humans have the unique opportunity to be more fully aware of the significance of the gesture.

One of the most profound opportunities we have is when we realize that the universe is continually embracing us with its love and wisdom.  In that moment of solitude, we have access to energy that transcends our human existence and can transport us into the spiritual.  The human skin is a living organism that not only protects us but also allows us to communicate.  Touch is a powerful force that can be used for good and evil.  It allows us to speak without words and brings connection in ways that no other means of communication offers.  A loving and heartfelt embrace can be like the kiss of the warm sun on our skin that penetrates deep into our souls.

How often we embrace another out of habit, a feeling of obligation, or convention.  When we do so without bringing awareness to the act, we miss out on an opportunity to experience the embrace of the spirit itself.  So next time you have the opportunity to share an embrace, bring your awareness to the fore and realize you are sharing and receiving a profound embrace of the spirit of life itself.  Embrace someone today and with that act of love, let the energy of that experience fill you up.

Duane Grove is founder of Connect2Action, a strategy execution specialist at the intersection of employee engagement and executive leadership, igniting innovation as a lever to accelerate your growth.  Follow Duane on Twitter @connect2action and connect with him on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+.  Learn more by visiting

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