Monday, June 3, 2013

Balancing Fun with Business

Another year and the squirrels that frequent our backyard have an expanded family.  Their balance of sustenance and play is a source of great joy and reflection for me.  The adults and youth from the litter chase each other in complete abandonment chirping away as they run around.  The activity is sometimes so hectic it appears as if a riot has erupted.

The phrase 'squirreling around' often refers to times when play has no real intent or objective in mind - it's simply play.  I'm reminded of this as I sit in my backyard watching this family of squirrels engage in a daily dose of play.  They are fascinating as they seemingly have no care in the world immersed in pure entertainment and enjoyment.  This daily ritual allows me to reflect on what these squirrels seem to know that I have forgotten - namely, that life is meant to have regular moments of simple, playful fun.

In our busy lives, it often feels like we're more like the serious squirrels when they're busy gathering food, scurrying around (almost frantically) taking care of business and being incredibly focused on the 'job at hand'.  Yes, there is a serious side to these creatures as they work to survive.  Yet they also don't forget to make time to play.  It seems their's is a life in balance and in what seems to come naturally for them.  Life becomes drudgery when we let ourselves get so tied up in 'taking care of business' that we neglect to make time for pure enjoyment.  What's worse is how easy it is for drudgery to become a self-perpetuating cycle becoming increasingly difficult to break out of.

My squirrel friends remind me that there is a time where meeting one's needs must also be attended to.  When they're not romping around, they can be found eating, gathering food, and 'taking care of business'.   For me, these furry friends have become a daily lesson in equilibrium and presence.  I am keenly aware of the need to scurry around as I create a sustainable income for my family.  Like the busy squirrels, there is a time to take care of business.  However, I hope my friends remain around to regularly remind me that balance is the foundation for happiness and that I need to make time on a regular basis to simply squirrel around.

Duane Grove is founder of Connect2Action and an aspiring quiet, reflective servant-leader.  Curious sage in perpetual development connecting us all on a journey of discovery of our highest purpose.  Follow Duane on Twitter @connect2action and connect with him on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+.  Learn more about Connect2Action by visiting

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