Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Folly of Clichés

I’ll admit the last thing I want to hear in the midst of a major life challenge is a cliché.  I’m usually not in the mood to hear about the silver lining in every cloud or to look for the rainbow in the storm.  Yet these sayings hold truth if we take the time to be mindful of their purpose.

As is typical this time of year in Colorado, we recently had a series of thunderstorms accompanied with hail.  One such storm left the once pristine finish on my vehicle with a new textured finish.  The dimples on my truck looks more like the surface of a golf ball now – perhaps it will improve the aerodynamic flow and improve my performance much like it does a golf ball - LoL

A storm the other evening though was a vivid reminder of why there is truth in cliché.  As the hail was coming down, the storm moving off to our east was already allowing the sun to shine behind it.  As I looked out through the steady stream of hail, two rainbows appeared on the eastern horizon.  What a contrast as the hail continued to fall yet the sun was illuminating the colors as the rainbows grew brighter.  It was in that moment, that I was reminded of the basic truth there is always an end to the storm and beauty can be found even in the midst of chaos and destruction.

The storms we face in life are meant to offer lessons and no two are ever exactly the same.  Have you ever wondered how two people can experience the same event yet walk away with very different conclusions?  The reason is quite simple.  They were each meant to learn something from the situation designed specifically for them.  While one may walk away embittered the other may be uplifted.  How we face into the storms in our lives determines how much (or little) of the lesson we learn.  And should we fail to learn what we needed to, another lesson will present itself in a slightly different form (since we obviously didn’t learn from the previous one).

Embracing learning opportunities is what allows us to grow.  We have to be willing to live within the moment and not flee if we are going to benefit from it.  On a recent hike, I came across a cactus patch.  The spines can be piercing, so I have a tendency to steer clear of them.  However, this particular patch caught my eye.   As I looked closer, a group of beetles were busy maneuvering among the sharp needles searching for food.  They seemed to be comfortable moving between the spines.  There are many creatures in life that have learned to live joyfully amongst what appears to be treacherous territory.  Think of the clown fish that lives within the confines of the stinging tentacles of the sea anemone.  Think of the tubeworms in the depths of the ocean growing in the midst of highly acidic thermal vents.

Nature has come to thrive in some of the most hostile conditions.  Rather than run away in search of safer territory, these creatures accept the situation and learn to live harmoniously in what appears to be a nearly impossible environment.  The natural world offers great examples of what it takes to live successfully in the midst of great challenge.  We can learn to accept the situation we are in and develop ways to be successful where we find ourselves.  Far too often, our initial reaction is to run away from life’s challenges rather then look deeper and move into them.  When we choose to run, we fail to learn.  It’s only when we’re willing to stand in the midst of our sticky situation that we have the opportunity to grow and become better from it.

Some may wonder what purpose does a hailstorm serve.  For one, it helps to strip the weaker leaves and branches from trees and plants allowing sun and moisture to penetrate into the healthier parts  It also brings moisture.  And I’m sure there are numerous other benefits that come from its seemingly destructive force.  As for the hail damage to my vehicle, I think it adds character and has become a regular reminder of the importance of living through adversity.  After all, it’s just a truck.


Duane Grove is founder of Connect2Action and an aspiring quiet, reflective servant-leader.  Curious sage in perpetual development connecting all on a journey of discovery of our highest purpose.  Follow Duane on Twitter @connect2action and connect with him on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+.  Learn more about Connect2Action by visiting

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